i know the name of a raven

In her hands held a star that would twinkle
even when nobody was watching out 
Glowing warmth gleaming within despite the dark
burning bright matches out as resistance fire to
flame against those who resisted her 

Decades of familial roots held her back
entrenched into every single night
leaving no light to shine from her fuse
losing every muse who’d care to soothe
Kissing them goodbye with bloodshot eyes,
only to discern wisps of the wind in return. 

But I know the name of a raven —
she could make wind gusts burst into a squall
Sharp jet wings piercing through tempest skies
Dusk leaves as dawn breaks to her flying free
never willing to be nobody’s precious piece 

Eclipses attempt to concave blazing gleams
their shadow swallowing her soul whole
And through their scorns, straight she soars
with that voice of spunk she sings —
As nothing can sever through her glister,
never will she let you pierce her glitter