Open Your Eyes.

I was hoping to write a piece that captures the stigma and misconceptions associated with mental illness. Many people believe that mental illness is something that can be “controlled” or “fixed” easily. When compared to other health conditions, people with mental illness are more likely to have their symptoms and feelings diminished. My hope is that I can foster awareness to this stigma through my writing.

Just because you don’t see something, doesn’t mean it isn’t there. 

Anxiety, depression, addiction, PTSD, OCD, schizophrenia. 

These are all things that run deep, and alter a person’s life. 

Mental health disorders are so entrenched within a person’s life, that we often feel like they define us as human beings. 

However, discussions about mental health struggles are frequently met with responses such as, “you look ok” or “try to move on” or “everything will be fine.” 

What would happen if medical diagnoses were met with the same responses? What if you told your colleague with a broken bone or a cancer diagnosis that he would be fine without any aid? 

This response would be met with doubt, confusion, and anger.

Why is the same response not granted for those who can’t sleep due to anxiety? Or those who use substances to cope with their depression?

Why do we doubt things that we can’t see? Instead of doubting, it is important to take a step back and listen. Adopt an empathetic mindset and shift your responses to statements such as “that sounds difficult,” or “I’m here for you and support you.”

Open your eyes. 


Just because you don’t see something, doesn’t mean that it isn’t torturing somebody else.